30 August

Panduan Belajar Luar Negara


This is a general list – as guidelines – so that you’ll get a brief idea about the life and situation here. Nak bawa atau tidak, ikut selera/keperluan masing2, and whichever is appropriate/applicable to you. Kalau boleh, PRINT list ni, dan tick mana yg dah buat/settle.


Kalau boleh, selesaikan awal2 supaya tak kelam kabut. We never know, kdg2 ada perkara yg tak boleh diselesaikan cepat, keeps ‘dragging’ berhari-hari.

Make sure you settlekan agreement dengan cepat. Must plan dengan betul. Kejar sikit ngan univ. Kalau susah terus ngan JPA atau siapa yg in charge.  Buka akaun HSBC kat Malaysia dan Tanya pasal you are staying here in Lancaster. Lebih mudah sebab kalau baru nak buka akaun di sini, banyak seronge nya si mat salleh nie. – depends pd tempat. Kalau tak boleh, taka pa, buka di UK.

Visa clearance – sometimes if you are lucky enough you will get within 5 days, however, please make sure all documentation yang dia minta ada especially Evidence of accommodation. Kalau tak letak alamat kawan2 dulu.

Booking tiket - Kalau boleh pilih tarikh supaya sampai sini hari Sabtu/Ahad, mudah Direct from KLIA-Manchester ambil flight malam sampai sini pagi so quite ok.

Well, masa saya sampai saya buat declaration barang. Sebab takut kalau dia randomly check bila kita tak declare nanti kena denda £1000(tak silaplah). So kalau declare, paling teruk dia buang sahaja. Tapi cakaplah kita bawa food utk anak2. Insyallah lepas. Latest, ada satu family baru sampai abis semua barang makanan dia ambil, sardine, ikan bilis keropok, serunding. So, nasihat saya kalau nak bawa satu atau dua sahaja makanan, yang lain buat pos kapal letak alamat rumah you kat Lancaster atau alamat kawan di Lancaster. Kalau pos barang sampai dalam 1-2 bulan.

Passport – pastikan semua ok.

Kalau kereta kat Msia nak dijual (atau ditukar milik kpd sape2), kalau boleh dapatkan surat akuan dari pihak insurans mengatakan yg NCB kita tu full (kalau tak pernah claim la), dan berapa tahun. Nanti bila nak ambil insurans kereta kat sini, boleh dapat murah sikit. Kalau tak ada NCB (NCB = 0), diorg akan start dari rate 100%. Biasanya org Msia kat sini pakai kereta sbb senang nak berurusan ke sana sini, lagipun tambang bas mahal jugak.

Bawa lesen memandu Msia – boleh guna di sini, at least laku setahun pertama, tapi kebykn Msian kat sini guna je lesen tu sampai balik Msia – asalkan jgn ada accident/problem dgn polis je… Jarang polis check lesen kat sini, unless ada kes. Kalau nak buat International Driving Licence pun boleh juga, tapi kena renew tiap2 tahun, dan nak renew mesti di JPJ Msia, sbb buat lessen di sana. Cara nak dapatkan International Licence ni – tanya di JPJ.

Credit card di Msia – ada guna? Kalau nak teruskan guna di sini, kena selidik dulu cara pembayaran yg effective. Kalau tiap2 bulan kena pos payment ke Msia, saya nasihatkan baik terminate saja, sbb leceh dan ada possibility payment sampai lambat (nanti kene interest/charge tambahan pulak).

Buka Akaun Internet Banking (BIMB, Maybank atau mana2 bank yg ada service ni) utk semua urusan banking di Msia, termasuk gaji, sbb mudah utk kita monitor/berurusan via internet. Tapi, JANGAN LUPA – lepas dah buka akaun (atau even for existing account) - kena pastikan daftar utk Internet Banking dulu di Msia – this involves using your ATM card dan daftar for ‘Internet Banking Registration’ di mana2 mesin ATM di Msia, kena masukkan nombor PIN utk Internet banking. Dah buat ni baru boleh buat further registration via Internet.

Income tax clearance – minta borang leaver dari Bhgn Gaji tempat you kerja (majikan). Diorg akan bagitau apa yg perlu dibuat, dan you kena pegi sendiri ke LHDN utk uruskan ni, ada interview dgn pegawai dia lagi.

Selesaikan urusan pembayaran balik pinjaman – rumah, kereta, dsb. – tinggalkan cek kepada saudara (utk dibayar/dipos setiap bulan), atau buat potongan gaji, standing order (dicharge RM2 per transaction), atau apa2 cara yg mudah. Contact institusi yg you pinjam tu dan tanya cara pembayaran yg diorg terima.

Buat medical check-up – for the whole family. Tapi saya rasa anak2 tak payah buat x-ray.

Urusan spouse (suami/isteri) juga perlu settlekan awal – urusan surat-menyurat (paperworks) kalau spouse cuti tanpa gaji, atau berhenti (kena hantar notis awal), dan macam2 urusan lain.

Isi dan hantar Family Accomodation/Housing application form - walaupun belum dapat offer letter dari univ.

Bila dah dapat rumah universiti, tandatangan dan hantar/fax segera kontrak rumah tu. Terima saja whatever rumah yg diorg bagi. Kalau rasa tak sesuai dan nak tukar, datang sini baru uruskan.

Deposit rumah (kalau dapat rumah universiti) – buat bank draft (payable to Lancaster University) dan pos segera dari sana. Kalau diorg dah terima deposit tu, diorg akan tinggalkan kunci rumah kat porter (24 jam) di kolej. So bila you sampai nanti boleh terus ambil kunci tu, even though di luar waktu pejabat. Boleh terus masuk rumah. Tapi kalau rasa tak sempat, bawa saja bank draft tu ke sini, serahkan di Accomodation Office (waktu pejabat), then baru boleh ambil kunci.

Dokumen2 penting yg perlu ditunjuk kpd pihak imigresen – masukkan semuanya dlm satu clear folder, supaya senang diorg nak tengok nanti. Kita pun tak kelam kabut nak keluarkan (dari envelop/fail biasa), tambahan pula tgn ‘penuh’ dgn brg2 hand luggage lain.

 Surat tawaran belajar

 Surat sponsor

 Surat confirm accomodation/contract rumah

 Laporan medical check-up

 dll. spt yg disenaraikan dlm list yg dikeluarkan oleh embassy (biasanya pihak majikan akan bagi salinan ni) (A) Senarai Barang-Barang Yg PERLU Dibawa (PENTING):

Money (NOT cash) – dari university, dari sponsor, duit sendiri, hutang2 org, dan apa2 kewangan yg you’ll bring here. Selain duit dari sponsors, kalau boleh biar la ada ‘spare’ duit sendiri +- RM2-3 ribu. Jgn bawa dlm bentuk cash semua. Buat bank draft (in your name sbb kat sini nanti nak masukkan into your bank account bila nak buka akaun kat sini). Then baru keluarkan duit tu utk bayar apa2 yg patut. Antara kegunaan utama/awal – bayar sewa rumah (kalau rumah univ. kena bayar sewa utk 3 bulan sekaligus, in advance i.e masa mula2 masuk rumah, bukannya selepas dah duduk 3 bulan - yang ni boleh bayar guna bankcard).

Cash +- £500 utk belanja awal. Tukar di Msia, kalau tukar di sini rugi byk. Tak perlu buat traveller’s cheque – leceh - ambil masa, dan ada mcm2 charge dikenakan. Tukar kalau boleh dlm bentuk £20, kalau £50 tu depa macam pelik sikit.(Takut kita nie tipu kot).

 Semua sijil original:

 Surat beranak anak

 Surat nikah (even yg jawi atau yg asal, in case dapat anak kat sini, bila nak daftar anak org embassy mintak sijil2 original)


 Sijil2/transkrip masa belajar dulu

 Details ttg immunisasi anak, even anak yg dah besar pun. Kita mungkin fikir, “tak payah bawa la, anak kita dah habis dah semua immunisasi (biasa) yg disarankan, semua dah ambil”. Tapi jadual dan vaksin immunisasi di sini tak sama dgn di Msia.

Gambar berukuran passport – sendiri punya, dan family – bawa byk copy sikit, mungkin perlu guna di sini.

Buku-buku yg perlu diguna di sini, termasuk kamus, dll. (kalau boleh pos, sbb berat nak bawa naik flight). Buku kat sini mahal, around £30-50

Ubat-ubatan (Panadol, ubat batuk, ubat demam anak, vicks, minyak angin, minyak urut, minyak gamat, dsb). Kalau ada klinik panel, boleh mintak dari situ, bagitau nak ke UK dan mintak apa2 ubat yg perlu utk diri dan anak2. Biasanya doktor tau ubat2 biasa yg perlu dibekalkan, esp yg berkaitan dgn perubahan iklim. Tapi jgn bawa dlm hand luggage, dan jgn bawa terlalu byk sgt (mcm beli borong pulak), takut tak lepas nanti (nak bawa masuk ubat in large quantity ada regulations-nya jugak, mesti ada supportive documents).

Pakaian panas – cukup bawa SATU (1) pasang seorg. Tak perlu bawa byk2, sbb berat dan harganya mahal di Msia. Di sini boleh dapat yg murah (used), kalau tak kisah guna brg terpakai. Lagipun, jaket/kot ni kita pakai kat luar pakaian asas kita.

Buku cek bank di Msia (lebihan2 yg masih kosong), kalau ada – in case perlu utk urusan apa-apa pembayaran di Msia (yg kita terlupa nak settlekan), boleh tulis cek tu dan pos dari sini. Kalau tinggalkan di Msia pun org lain tak boleh nak tolong tulis/sign (kan itu cek personal kita).

Cadar & sarung bantal - bawalah satu sebelum you nak beli. (B) Senarai Barang-Barang Yg BOLEH Dibawa ***Dah jadi tak selamat – baik pos sahaja... Ikut selera masing2 sama ada nak bawa atau tidak. Terpulang kpd pertimbangan masing2. Ini berdasarkan pengalaman saya dan rakan2 yg lain saja. Saya kelaskan kpd parts (B.1) hingga (B.4). (B.1) Barang-Barang Yg SUSAH DAPAT di sini: Brg2 ni memang payah dapat (atau mmg tak ada) di sini, kena bawa dari Msia. Bawa naik flight sikit dulu, yg lain boleh pos.

 ikan bilis
 udang kering
 serbuk kari, kurma etc. – ayam, daging, ikan, dll
 serbuk cili, cili kering
 Perencah2 sup, tomyam, etc.
 Kiub ayam, ikan bilis, etc.
 Asam keping, asam jawa
 Sos cili, sos tiram (Kimball punya botol plastic)
 Daun kari, daun pandan, daun limau purut, serai (dihiris nipis), lengkuas (dihiris nipis), daun kesum – semua ni keringkan betul2 (takut berkulat kalau tak kering) dan pek kemas2.
 Ikan kering
 Budu, cencaluk dsb
 Belacan 
 Fuchok, so-on, dsb
 Keropok ikan
 teh/kopi keluaran Malaysia - kat sini pun ada teh/kopi, tapi jenama lain.
 Milo (pek plastic) – sini ada choclolate drink powder/granules, tapi bukan jenama Milo.
 susu tepung (pek plastic) kalau anak minum susu tepung. Susu tepung anak kat sini mahal dan tak byk jenama mcm kat Msia. Kebykn anak org kat sini minum fresh milk. Tapi kalau anak umur bawah 2 tahun, dinasihatkan bawa susu tepung dari sana, sbb takut fresh milk tak sesuai utk dia.
 Puting anak, puting botol susu
 Tudung, anak tudung, dan brooch.
 Sejadah, telekung
 kain pelikat, kain batik
 Quran dan muqaddam/iqra’ anak2
 CD utk anak2 – kartun, muqaddam/iqra’, ABC, nasyid, etc.
 Alat tulis yg rasanya perlu utk permulaan.
 Stokin org pergi Mekah
 Selipar (B.2) Barang-Barang Yg ADA di sini: Brg2 ni ada di sini, tapi jauh sikit (mostly di Preston) dan lebih mahal. Elok dibawa sikit utk permulaan. Kalau nak, stock tambahan tu boleh pos kemudian, atau beli di Preston, Manchester.
 Ajinomoto (kalau guna)
 Rempah ratus – bunga lawang, bunga cengkih, kulit kayu manis, lada hitam, buah pelaga, etc. tak perlu bawa byk sgt, sbb boleh beli di Leeds nanti.
 Serbuk kunyit
 Santan serbuk/kotak/tin
 Bawang goreng
 Maggi mee (mi segera)
 Toiletteries (bawa sikit utk permulaan) (B.3) Barang-Barang Yg BOLEH Dibawa, kalau nak (JGN POS, takut pecah/rosak) (rujuk nota 1 di bwh):
 Rice cooker ****bawa dari Malaysia.
 Kettle plastik
 Blender
 Computer/laptop (kat sini mahal. Tapi kalau yg used/2nd-hand boleh dapat yg murah)
 Camera/video camera
 Handphone – dinasihatkan terminate line di sana, w/p ada sykt telekomunikasi yg boleh guna line di luar negara, ttp tak feasible for long term usage (sbb charge lebih mahal utk roaming dan nak bayar bil pun leceh). Better pakai line di sini dan guna h/phone tu. Tak payah beli baru, h/p sini mahal, tapi byk latest model. (B.4) Brg yg dinasihatkan hantar melalui POS (rujuk maklumat pos), kalau nak bawa (rujuk nota 1 di bwh): Barang2 ni tak praktikal dibawa naik kapal terbang sebab berat. Kalau penting dan rasa nak guna segera sesampai di Lancaster, seeloknya dipos 1-2 bulan sebelum bertolak ke sini (boleh pos ke alamat sape2 kat sini). Tapi kalau tak sempat, minta saudara-mara poskan.
 Periuk flat-base (dapur kat sini kebyknnya electrik), kuali bontot bulat jgn bawa, takut tak boleh guna.
 Periuk kukus
 Pisau, sudu, garpu, senduk (esp senduk nasi)
 Sandal sendiri dan anak2, kasut sukan
 Blazer/jacket
 Jeans, khaki, slacks
 Iron/seterika
 Sewing kit (jarum, benang, gunting, etc.)
 Lesung batu
 Bahan makanan, benda kat atas tu mudah dapat Cuma mahallah kalau convert. (C) Barang-Barang Yg TAK Perlu Dibawa:
 Sos tomato (byk kat sini – jenama2 sini punye), unless nak jenama2 yg ada kat Msia
 Halia Maklumat POS: – Jangan guna Pos Laju – mahal. – Gunakan Pos Biasa (melalui kapal laut) – sebab tu ambil masa lebih kurang +-2 bulan utk sampai. – Bungkus barang2 tu dalam kotak (cardboard) biasa. Jangan guna kotak plastic yg rapuh dan boleh pecah. Ni pengalaman saya sendiri, mak saya hantar brg dlm container plastic (Toyogo), bila sampai sini tong tu pecah2, sbb masa transportation diorg baling2 aje brg kita tu. – Jgn pos brg2 yg mudah pecah. – Kalau nak pos kicap, budu dsb, pindahkan ke dlm botol plastic (botol air mineral ke) dan pastikan ada ruang udara sikit dlm botol tu, jgn isi penuh sgt, takut ‘meletup’ pulak nanti. Botol kaca dahlah mudah pecah, berat pulak tu. Pos Malaysia – parcel (Surface Mail) rates to UK (http://www.pos.com.my/website/mainframe.htm)
 Products & Services
 Mail services
 Parcel
 International parcels Weight Not Over Price (RM) 1 kg Not Over 34.50 3 kg Not Over 43.40 5 kg Not Over 54.30 10 kg Not Over 71.30 15 kg Not Over 95.50 20 kg 116.60 POSLAJU International Rates (to UK) Document Merchandise Weight Limit First 500gm Next 500gm First 500gm Next 500gm 30 kg RM 66 RM 15 RM 66 RM 15 NOTA: 1. Brg2 di Part (B.3) dan (B.4) ada di sini, jadi boleh juga kalau nak beli di sini, cumanya akan ada ‘kerugian matawang’, or in other words, lebih mahal berbanding dgn beli di Msia. Tambahan pula kalau dah ada brg2 ni di rumah, boleh dibawa/pos saja ke sini. Jadi di sini tak perlu beli yg baru (jimat sikit). Tapi kalau mmg belum ada, tak payah beli di Msia semata2 nak bawa ke sini, boleh beli di sini saja. Terpulang la…. 2. Di sini senang dapat brg2 used/second-hand. Conditionnya pun ok, taklah buruk, byk yg masih elok (mat salleh ni suka tukar2 brg, dan kdg2 tu brg2 tu dia tak guna lagi – dijual sbb tak sesuai, atau ‘unwanted gift’). Harganya affordable, even boleh dapat yg mmg murah. Anyway, kena ingat, kdg2 ada risikonya (not functioning well, rosak, dsb) – tapi ni
JARANG SEKALI berlaku, esp. kalau beli dari sumber yg boleh dipercayai (bukan dari carboot). 3. Pek elok2 brg2 yg berbau - dlm plastic kedap udara dsb. Takut nanti habis brg2 lain terkena baunya. Begitu juga dgn brg2 cecair. 4. Kalau naik MAS, setiap org (yg ada seat) diberi kuota 20kg seorg utk kargo/bagasi. Anak di bawah 2 tahun (tak ada seat) dapat 10kg. Jadi, bila nak pack brg tu, timbang dan pastikan tak melebihi jumlah berat kargo utk your family. Hand luggage tak dikira. Anyway, kdg2 (ikut budi bicara) staf MAS tu bagi jugak lebih sikit hingga +10kg seorg, tapi kena memujuk rayu la sikit, bagi alasan bawa byk buku, sbb nak dtg study sini, etc. Car 1. For family car is important. Spare at least £1000(only car), 2. This is not included insurance dll. 3. Paling kurang £1500. For a good car+insurance. 4. Well if you are lucky you will get cheaper car. Depends on individual taste. 5. Car is not a luxury thing here, but it is a must/need. 6. Well you can asked somebody here who has experiences in buying car. Last but not least, hope that this list won’t let your motivation down. Well doing PHD or Master is not the matter of getting the cert, somehow it is about life trying to survive. In MALAYSIA everything just fine, here, you will learn a lot. We wish you a happy staying in Lancaster. Hope everybody here come back home with Master, PhD and sweet, sour, and salty life here. Insyallah, bila dah lama kat sini, kita dah boleh adapt dengan environment. Insyallah, teruskan berdoa agar dipermudahkan semua urusan.

20 August

Sabah Land Below The Wind

Sabah is a state located in East Malaysia and is known for its natural beauty, diverse culture, and outdoor activities. Some of the popular destinations in Sabah include:

Mount Kinabalu - The highest mountain in Malaysia, Mount Kinabalu is a popular destination for hikers and nature lovers.

Kinabalu Park - A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Kinabalu Park is home to diverse flora and fauna and offers stunning views of Mount Kinabalu.

Kundasang - A picturesque town located in the foothills of Mount Kinabalu, Kundasang offers breathtaking views of the mountain and a peaceful atmosphere.

Mabul Island - Another popular diving destination, Mabul Island is known for its colorful coral reefs and abundance of sea turtles.

Sipadan Island - Known as one of the world's top diving destinations, Sipadan Island boasts crystal-clear waters and abundant marine life.

Kota Kinabalu - The capital city of Sabah, Kota Kinabalu offers a mix of modern amenities and traditional cultural experiences.

Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park - A group of five islands off the coast of Kota Kinabalu, Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park offers white-sand beaches, clear waters, and excellent snorkeling and diving opportunities.

Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre - A sanctuary for orphaned and injured orangutans, the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre allows visitors to observe these endangered primates up close.

Danum Valley Conservation Area - A pristine rainforest and biodiversity hotspot, Danum Valley Conservation Area is home to many rare and endangered species.

Gomantong Caves - A limestone cave system located in the heart of Sabah's rainforest, Gomantong Caves is home to millions of bats and swiftlets.

Popular Place In Sarawak

Sarawak is a state in Malaysia that is known for its rich culture and natural beauty. Here are some popular places in Sarawak:

Bako National Park - located on the coast of Sarawak, this national park is known for its diverse wildlife and stunning rock formations.

Semenggoh Wildlife Centre - a sanctuary for rescued and orphaned orangutans, located just outside of Kuching.

Kuching Waterfront - a picturesque promenade along the Sarawak River in Kuching, the capital city of Sarawak.

Sarawak Cultural Village - a living museum that showcases the traditional houses and cultures of Sarawak's diverse indigenous communities.

Gunung Mulu National Park - a UNESCO World Heritage Site that is home to some of the largest cave systems in the world, as well as unique limestone formations and rich biodiversity.

Miri - a coastal city in northern Sarawak that is known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant nightlife.

Sibu - a bustling town located in the central region of Sarawak, known for its Chinese cultural heritage and delicious food.

Niah National Park - home to the Niah Caves, one of the most important archaeological sites in Southeast Asia, with evidence of human habitation dating back 40,000 years.

18 August

Popular trekking and hiking site in Malaysia

 Malaysia is home to many beautiful hiking and trekking destinations, with a range of options for all skill levels. Here are some of the best hiking and trekking sites in Malaysia:

Mount Kinabalu - Located in Sabah, Mount Kinabalu is Malaysia's tallest peak and a popular hiking destination. The summit trail takes hikers through stunning landscapes and requires a good level of fitness and endurance.

Gunung Mulu National Park - Gunung Mulu National Park in Sarawak offers a range of hiking and trekking options, including the famous Pinnacles Trek, which takes hikers through a challenging trail to reach stunning limestone formations.

Cameron Highlands - The Cameron Highlands in Pahang offer a range of hiking trails through scenic tea plantations and rolling hills, with options ranging from short and easy walks to more challenging treks.

Taman Negara National Park - Taman Negara is Malaysia's largest national park and offers a range of hiking trails through dense rainforests, with opportunities to spot wildlife like tigers, elephants, and monkeys.

Penang Hill - Penang Hill is a popular hiking destination in Penang, with several trails leading up to the summit. The trails offer stunning views of the island and the mainland, and the summit is home to several attractions like a mosque, temples, and a food court.

These are just a few of the many great hiking and trekking destinations in Malaysia, and there are plenty of other options to choose from depending on your preferences and skill level. Remember to plan and prepare for your hikes carefully, and to always follow safety guidelines to ensure an enjoyable and safe experience.

Popular Camping Site In Malaysia

 There are many great camping sites in Malaysia, depending on your preferences and the type of camping experience you're looking for. Here are some of the best camping sites in Malaysia:

Taman Negara National Park - Taman Negara is Malaysia's oldest and largest national park, located in the heart of the country. It offers a range of camping options, from basic tent camping to more comfortable chalets and bungalows. Camping here allows visitors to explore the rainforest, go on jungle treks, and spot wildlife like tigers, elephants, and monkeys.

Pulau Perhentian - Pulau Perhentian, a small island off the northeast coast of Malaysia, is a popular spot for beach camping. Visitors can set up their tents on the white sand beaches and enjoy the crystal-clear waters, snorkeling, and diving.

Gunung Pulai - Gunung Pulai, located in Johor Bahru, is a popular camping spot for hikers and nature lovers. The mountain offers several camping areas, including a large campsite at the summit, which provides stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

Kuala Selangor Nature Park - Kuala Selangor Nature Park is a popular camping spot for birdwatchers and nature lovers. The park offers basic camping facilities and is home to a diverse range of bird species, including migratory birds from as far as Siberia.

Ulu Muda Eco Park - Ulu Muda Eco Park, located in Kedah, offers a unique camping experience in the heart of a pristine rainforest. The park offers a range of camping options, from basic tent camping to more comfortable bungalows, and visitors can explore the forest, spot wildlife, and visit local Orang Asli communities.

These are just a few of the many great camping sites in Malaysia, and there are plenty of other options to choose from depending on your preferences and interests.

Langkawi The Land Of Myth

Langkawi is an archipelago of 99 islands in the Andaman Sea, located off the northwest coast of Malaysia. Here are some of the top tourist destinations in Langkawi:

    Eagle Square: The Eagle Square is a prominent landmark in Langkawi, featuring a 12-meter tall eagle statue.

Langkawi Sky Bridge: The Sky Bridge is a curved pedestrian bridge that offers panoramic views of the surrounding islands and Andaman Sea.

Langkawi Cable Car: The cable car ride takes visitors up to the peak of Gunung Mat Cincang, offering stunning views of the rainforest, waterfalls, and islands.

Langkawi Art in Paradise 3D Museum: The Langkawi Art in Paradise 3D Museum is an interactive museum with 3D paintings and installations that provide a unique photo opportunity for visitors.

Tanjung Rhu Beach: Tanjung Rhu Beach is a picturesque beach known for its crystal-clear waters and white sand.

Underwater World Langkawi: The Underwater World Langkawi is an aquarium showcasing a wide variety of marine life.

Kilim Geopark: The Kilim Geopark is a nature reserve with mangrove forests, limestone cliffs, and caves that can be explored by boat.

Langkawi Wildlife Park: The Langkawi Wildlife Park is a popular attraction where visitors can interact with various animals, including birds, mammals, and reptiles.

Mahsuri's Tomb: The tomb of Mahsuri, a legendary figure in Langkawi, is a historical site that offers insights into the island's culture and traditions.

Langkawi Night Market: The night market is a popular destination for food and shopping, offering a variety of local delicacies and souvenirs.

Wellness Travel

 Malaysia is a great destination for wellness travel, with a variety of options available for visitors seeking relaxation and rejuvenation. Here are some of the wellness travel options in Malaysia:

Spa retreats - Malaysia has many luxurious spa resorts that offer traditional massages and spa treatments, such as the Tanjong Jara Resort in Terengganu or the Spa Village at the Pangkor Laut Resort.

Yoga and meditation retreats - Malaysia has a growing yoga and meditation scene, with many retreat centers offering classes and workshops, such as the Samadhi Retreats in Kuala Lumpur or the Tioman Island Yoga Retreat.

Hot springs - Malaysia has several hot springs that are believed to have therapeutic properties, such as the Sungai Klah Hot Springs in Perak or the Poring Hot Springs in Sabah.

Herbal medicine - Malaysia has a rich tradition of herbal medicine, and visitors can learn about traditional healing practices at places such as the Malaysian Traditional and Complementary Medicine Museum in Melaka.

Forest bathing - Malaysia's lush rainforests offer opportunities for forest bathing, which involves immersing oneself in nature to promote relaxation and wellbeing. Visitors can try forest bathing at places such as the Mossy Forest in Cameron Highlands or the Taman Negara National Park.

Beach resorts - Malaysia has many beautiful beaches that offer opportunities for relaxation and rejuvenation, such as the beaches in Langkawi or the Perhentian Islands.

Halal spas - Malaysia has a growing number of halal spas that cater to Muslim visitors, such as the Ritz-Carlton Spa in Kuala Lumpur or the Spa Village at the Tanjung Rhu Resort in Langkawi.

Overall, Malaysia offers a wide range of wellness travel options that cater to different preferences and budgets.